Premium Education

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Grasp the Key
The Key to Success
Equip your child with the skills to tackle various question types and exam components.
Hone their checking abilities to minimise errors.
Each lesson is designed with the the results of intense analysis of key question trends to help students succeed.
Students will be guided on how to perform data extraction and use systematic approach to craft precise answers to these key questions.
Primary 5
Primary 6
Students are guided to apply examination strategies and techniques.
In this programme, your child will analyse questions in a systematic manner and learn how to craft precise answer to answer questions. Your child is also equipped with ways to check and minimise errors. Lessons are designed to target key question trends and exam formats.
Primary 5
Primary 6
The Primary 5 Math curriculum equips students with a strong foundation of the key topics that are tested at PSLE.
The strong foundation is essential in preparing them for the more complex PSLE questions, whereby topics are interlinked.
Key heuristics such as Multiple Equations method, Units and Parts method and Working Backwards method will be emphasized.
At Primary 6, students will focus on pacing themselves in examination-style questions and meet the challenge of revising the content accumulated from Primary 3 to Primary 6.
Primary 5
Primary 6
Your child will practice on key exam question types such as data analysis and Fair Test.
Scientific concepts will be emphasized through fun hands-on experiments and activities, enhancing their love for the subject.